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Reputable Breeder Vs. Backyard Breeder

There are many terrible breeders in the State of Florida that are ruining the breed by breeding unhealthy dogs that don’t fit the Vizsla standard. Make sure you know who you know the difference!

Reputable Breeder

Backyard Breeder

1. Dedication to producing quality dogs is serious avocation. Has so much invested in dogs that he struggles to break even, not make a profit. Will sell pups only to approved buyers.

2. Can explain how planned breedings are used to emphasize or minimize specific qualities through line-breeding, outcrossing, or more rarely, inbreeding.

3. Does not breed dogs younger than age 2. Has breeding stock x-rayed to check for hip dysplasia, echo/doppler run for SAS, holtered within the last year for boxer cardiomyopathy (also known as ARVC) and thyroid screened. Can produce certification to prove claims.

4. Written contractual commitment to replace a dog with genetic faults or to help owner deal with problem.

5. Loves the breed and can talk at length about its background, uses, and ideal type.

6. Has an investment in dog equipment and the puppies environment is sanitary and loving.

7. Belongs to national, regional, and/or local dog clubs, indicating a love for the sport of purebred dogs. Shows their dogs as an objective test of how his stock measures up.

8. Shows litter and dam in a sanitary environment. Helps buyer evaluate and choose a pup. Explains criteria for “show prospects” versus “pet picks”.

9. Prices will be at the high end of local range. Price will not reflect all that is invested in the pups. A reputable breeder never profits from the sale of puppies. Does not advertise in the newspaper. Has an established waiting list for the pups.

10. After purchase, will help you with grooming or training problems. Will take back a pup you cannot keep rather than see it disposed of inappropriately. Sells pets with spay/neuter agreement and on AKC limited registration.

1. Motive for breeding: “fun”, “good for kids”, “to make money”. Does not screen buyers and seldom refuses to sell, even if buyer is unsuitable.

2. Breeds the family pet to any convenient pet of the same breed just to have purebred pups. Has no understanding or concern with genetics, pedigree bloodlines, or breed improvement.

3. Though the pets (sire/dam of pups) may be well loved, they were not tested for hip dysplasia or for other genetic problems such as cardiomyopathy and hypothyroidism.

4. Offers no health guarantee beyond proof of shots, if that. Unqualified to give help if problems develop.

5. Seller has little knowledge of breed history, the national breed club or of the AKC breed standard. May claim this does not matter for “just pets”.

6. Pups raised in makeshift accommodations, sometimes unsanitary, indicating lack of long-term investment in breeding and lack of true care for the puppies well-being.

7. Even when selling “just pets”, may produce AKC papers or “championship pedigrees” as proof of quality. Yet seller does not increase his own knowledge through participation in national, regional, or local breed clubs. Is not involved in showing their dogs to “prove” quality.

8. May be unwilling to show a buyer the entire litter or to introduce the dam of the litter. Cannot or will not compare/critique pups or pup’s ancestors.

9. Prices are at the low end of local range, since must move pups quickly. Advertises in the local newspaper classifieds.

10. No concern for the future of individual pups or the breed as a whole. Does not use AKC’s limited registration option or ask for spay/neuter contract to guard against the breeding of sub-standard pups. If you cannot keep pup, tells you to take it to a dog pound or to sell it.

The Tampa Bay Vizsla Club

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