The Tampa Bay Vizsla Club
Become a Member of The Tampa Bay Vizsla Club
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• Maintain the highest standard of the Vizsla purebred dog and preserve its integrity.
• Promote and provide Vizsla events sanctioned by the AKC: conformation, obedience, hunt tests, field trials, agility and educational events that bring members together in order to continue to develop the breed.
• Take whatever actions necessary to protect and assure the continuation of the Vizsla breed and the sport of purebred dogs.
The Tampa Bay Vizsla Club supports the Vizsla Club of America’s CODE OF ETHICS
Sportsmanship: As members we shall protect and advance the development of the Vizsla and continue to improve its soundness, stable temperament, natural hunting ability and conformation as set forth in the official Vizsla Standard. Furthermore, as members we shall conduct ourselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon the breed and our sport of the purebred dog.
Health: As members we shall maintain the best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness and veterinary care in an atmosphere conducive to the stable development of our breed.
Breeding: As members we shall breed only to improve the breed by breeding those Vizslas who conform to the Vizsla Club of America official standard. Breeding* those dogs that are free of serious hereditary defects including epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, VonWillebrands, entropian and cranial muscular atrophy. Breeding only dogs who are over two years of age and have been x-rayed and OFA certified as free from hip dysplasia.
Sales: As members we shall:
1) Not breed, sell, and consign puppies or adult dogs to any commercial or pet shops
2) Honestly value the quality of the Vizsla sold and fairly represent that evaluation and urge puppy purchasers to spay or neuter all pets which for any reason will not be used for breeding
3) Not release puppies under eight weeks of age
4) Screen all prospective buyers to assure a puppy will have a safe and loving home
5) Furnish details on feeding, care, inoculations, pedigrees and written sales agreements at time of sale
6) Direct buyers to Vizsla activities and associations like the TBVC and VCA.
*Both the TBVC and VCA require all breed stock to be radiographed and specify that no dog or bitch with the slightest evidence of hip dysplasia will be used for breeding purposes. Instructions for OFA diagnosis may be obtained for a fee from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 2300 Nifong Blvd., Columbia, MO 65201-3856